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This day, we buried a child of God. She was over eighty years old, but she was still a child of God. Her name was Florine. I was born in 1954, the same year that Florine was born again. We celebrated our 40th "birthdays" together in 1994. She was saved at a Billy Graham crusade in New Orleans. She told me that she gave her heart to the Lord that night and never took it back. Once she began to move in the direction of His purpose for her life, she never looked back. She trusted God completely.  
She probably passed out as many witnessing tracts as any zealous preacher boy ever carried around in his pocket. She finally retired from the work force in her late seventies. Until very recently, she mowed her own yard. She loved nature and the Lord, the Creator of it all. She was a prayer warrior. I want to be just like her when I grow up. 

A few weeks ago, my friend Loretta and I went to see her in the hospital. I don't believe she recognized us at all. Before we left, Loretta suggested that we sing her favorite song. As we leaned toward her failing ears and began to sing "Jesus Paid it All," she opened her eyes and sang along with us. I will treasure that moment for a very long time. Today, I sang that song for her again. This time she was not around to hear it or to join in. Her body was there but her soul and spirit joined another choir this past Saturday. Just as the last verse of that old hymn says: right this very minute, she is standing completely healed at the throne of Christ saying over and over again: "Jesus died, my soul to save. Jesus paid it all." Her life verse was Galatians 2:20 which says, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me." 
